
Showing posts from August, 2021

Diary of a 30 year old: The Reality

Hey Guys, I do believe that for some people like myself, that the reality of life hits you at 30 and you realise that you spent your life focusing on the wrong things. Meanwhile you ignored the heavy things in your life as a way to survive/cope "as they say" on Instagram quotes. But now, I am regretful at not addressing those things as I spent my 20s doing everything I could to have fun and not live with regret. My 30s will be about making my own decisions for me and living life on my terms. I want to have no one to answer to as this is my life and my own personal journey. I also want to use my 30s to continue to grow into the person I need to be, work on my self-development and not feel pressured to rush into anything. I also pray that God guides me onto the right path and anything that I should be doing, I pray that he keeps sending signs and messages for my highest good! I am excited, nervous and anxious for the next chapter of my life as I am subconsciously comparin...