As I struggled with getting there on time. I let everyone down. I was late and everyone awaited on me :( I wasted time speaking to her-when she couldn't help me.
Hey Guys, I wanted to do a blog post dedicated around the negative mindset in dating. Our thinking can have a positive/negative impact on the outcome of our relationships.This may cause us to self-sabotage and may cause uncomfortable emotions/feelings within this. We may think we are unworthy, not good enough or it could be because of a number of various things. Negative thinking can also block our judgement of what is around us and cause us to see things from a selective point of view- as we focus on all the bad aspects of the relationship. After watching Married at First Sight (Australia), I witnessed Ines Basic (pictured below) in the first episode describing dating as- "you just see everyone you dated previously". This shows that Ines hasn't kept her mind open to what is out there and has acknowledged that she is witnessing the same person/people in every guy she meets in the dating world. This would mean that she is judging without giving the guy a chance which may c...
Hey Guys, Autumn is here and all I wanna do is get cosy, drink hot teas and wear fashionable autumnal clothing. This is my draft to help me to achieve this, everywhere and anywhere possible. The list are as follows: Future Housing: I applied for housing but heard nothing back. Dreams and Desires: [ When I get my own place, I will want to curl up on the sofa, just like old times and watch a movie with a good 'ole cup of tea 😇] Limited Time: I don't even know what a relaxing evening is anymore, because I don't get to lounge in the living room, because he is always home! Solution: If I want to enjoy a hot drink on the sofa, drink at limited times- when his at work. For Future Hot Drinks : • Go to another hotel; so I can get a nice hot drink in the mornings. • Go to a cafe; a chance to socialise and try out new hot drinks. Try Something New: Drink tea and biscuits at work. Timetable: Monday: Have a hot drink in room. Tuesday: Boyfriend doesn't have kettle, only microwa...
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