Negative Thinking in Dating

Hey Guys,

I wanted to do a blog post dedicated around the negative mindset in dating. Our thinking can have a positive/negative impact on the outcome of our relationships.This may cause us to self-sabotage and may cause uncomfortable emotions/feelings within this. We may think we are unworthy, not good enough or it could be because of a number of various things. Negative thinking can also block our judgement of what is around us and cause us to see things from a selective point of view- as we focus on all the bad aspects of the relationship.

After watching Married at First Sight (Australia), I witnessed Ines Basic (pictured below) in the first episode describing dating as- "you just see everyone you dated previously". This shows that Ines hasn't kept her mind open to what is out there and has acknowledged that she is witnessing the same person/people in every guy she meets in the dating world. This would mean that she is judging without giving the guy a chance which may cause her to miss out on great opportunity/ miss out on how things could have been!

(Image Source: Google)

In dating, texting and social media is now a big part of communication in the dating world. This may/may not be a big stumbling block in a potential relationship.

One thing I have noticed within myself is that I get caught up on 'why a guy does not text back' and this can produce feelings/insecurities within myself like-am I not good enough? Has he lost interest and this is when I have given away my power and have lost control within the dating field. I need to remind myself that I am whole as a person, with or without a man in my life.

Scroll down below to see my conclusion from this:

Stop Being Controlling/Expecting a Response

  • Waiting on a text back/ a phone call is not allowing people the freedom to reply when they feel like they want to/should.
  • Taking it personal causes you to hurt yourself.
  • Feeling 'not good enough'- this can cause an imbalance in the relationship and affect how you act.
  • Also I need to not take social media/the phone too seriously (Take breaks from it/detach from it).
  • Placing expectations on people-feeling like I warrant a response.
  • Work on your self-esteem.
  • You are projecting your own doubts and insecurities on other people. 
  • Work on reducing your insecurities- (you can do this by working with a coach).

Thank you for reading :) I hope this helped someone out there.


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