Dream About Wasps


Last night I had a dream about wasps. Here are some notes that may be linked to my dream:

  •  It could also symbolize being taken for granted or being taken advantage of by someone.
  • Often a dream about wasps reveals your emotions and feelings of anger and aggression towards someone.

  • Maybe you harbor some resentment and your subconscious is searching a way to express it or make you pay attention to your destructive emotions.

  • These dreams could also symbolize gossiping about someone or being gossiped about. They could also announce the beginning of a period of bad luck in your life.

  • Wasps often symbolize action and activity, and such dream could be a sign for you to take action and begin working towards accomplishing your goals.

  • In some cases, a dream about wasps could be a warning about some negative and deceptive people from your surroundings you need to be aware of.
  • This dream reminds you to think well to whom you give your trust and reevaluate your friendships and acquaintances.
  • Dreaming about a wasp in general – If you saw a wasp in a dream, as a single detail, such dream usually signifies receiving some news or communication with someone. The news you are about to receive is most likely a good one, but remember that this dream could also symbolize gossip, rumors, quarrels and arguments, so be aware of the people from your surroundings and their motives.
  • Dreaming about seeing a single wasp – If you saw a single wasp in your dream, such dream could both be a good and a bad symbol as well. It might signify feelings of aggression, jealousy, anger, vengeance, etc. You could have these feelings and emotions about someone or someone could have such emotions about you.
  • This dream could also signify receiving some good news soon or it could signify rumors and gossip (usually you are the one being gossiped about).

  • Sometimes, this dream symbolizes some acquaintance of yours with lack of communicative skills, behaving aggressively towards others.
  • Dreaming about being chased by a wasp or wasps – If you were chased by a wasp or wasps in your dream, such dream is usually a good sign, possibly indicating someone’s romantic interest in you. After such dream, you could expect someone’s invitation for a romantic date in the upcoming days.
  • Dreaming about a wasp or wasps flying around – If you observed a wasp or wasps flying around you in a dream, such dream could indicate getting involved in some conflicts and arguments with people you don’t like. Fortunately, these conflicts won’t affect your life in any way.


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