Gratitude Post

 I would like to thank God, because he has truly blessed me. I was made redundant back in January 2021 and I experienced being stuck in lockdown with no job, no friends in real life- so most of my communication was online via text/phone calls/video calls. Of course I used my time to add more value to my spiritual journey, my mental health, my knowledge, my psychology skills and my personal development.

However, during this period, I was experiencing the worse 10 months of my life. I would not have survived it- if I didn't connect with God or with my supportive friends. The amount of fear and tears and laughter I experienced was unbelievable.

God has turned my life around and blessed me with a new job of my dreams. At first, I was not sure about taking this opportunity as I thought it was the wrong decision but God made everything fall into place for me and I feel very happy. Every time I visit work, I am automatically happy because of the freedom I have and there is so much things that I can do that I could never do at my previous job. It makes me happy everyday and I just have to pinch myself because I cannot believe that I have a job like this. I am even smiling as I am writing this. My heart just smiles with joy! 

Thank you for reading :) and I hope this post inspires you!


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