Knife Dream

Hey guys,

I had a dream about being chased by a knife man. Here are some notes from my research online:
  • Any dream involving weapons shows that you need to approach things with extreme caution.
  •  The dream is all about removing aggressive people from your life.
  • The dream is about the rise of a toxic person in your life, this could be somebody you know or alternatively someone that you will soon meet. The knives themselves are all about violence and aggression. It could often point to the fact that there is somebody that is being aggressive towards you, and your unconscious mind is trying to protect you from the threat.
  • It is thought from his writings the dreams about murder or violence are often a powerful message to our subconscious mind. Freud believed the dreams of this nature are due to the following:

    • There is an area of one's life whereby one has to let go.
    • There is a dramatic change that will soon happen in life.
    • There is a feeling that someone is showing aggression.
    • That there is guilt around a situation in waking life.

    Dreams About Knives Are A Sign Of Toxic Relationships

  • Positive

    • Approach things with extreme caution.
    • Think about your attitude to others.
    • Conquer your fear.
    • Consider the reason why people would be aggressive to you.
    • Think about how you can improve some areas of your life.
    • Move towards a resolution with your enemies.
    • Reevaluate your life to make things better.
    • If you dream of people becoming aggressive around you and using weapons of various sorts, then it is clear you need to think of the reasons why this has happened; what are the reasons? Aggression is sometimes present in your lives in some way, and you may need to think about your attitude to others. This is a wake up call to perhaps think about what and how you can improve some areas of your life.

    • Knife

      A knife is normally a sign of division, and seeing one in your dream means you need to review your life, cut things out, and maybe get rid of some things in your life. The knife itself needs to be reviewed. For example, a Swiss army knife is much more violent than say a table knife. Both are used in the same way, but the Swiss army knife has more areas that signify an aggressive behavior. You may feel that you are undertaking a psychological inner fight with yourself, not knowing which way to turn in times of need.

    • If you are a female and you dream of a knife, this shows that you are scared of something coming into your life. Ask yourself what it is. 

    • Cut so,ething from your life-it could be a report or a habit that hurts you.

    • dreaming of being chased by a man with a knie-fear of being single. attempts to avoid someones aggresive sexual aproach to you.

    • Dreaming of a big knife-a lie 

    I hope this post helps someone out there.


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